4 persons: singer, guitar, drums, bass
3 x 45 min
All hits from top 2000!
SKOOR employs the greatest players from the top 2000. A party in any setting is attainable with these experienced musicians. The band can be booked as a four-piece or as a complete ensemble with supporting vocals. SKOOR can do it all, from background to full-on party. These accomplished musicians perform throughout the Netherlands and are extremely well-matched. There will be no backing tracks, just live music, as they used to. SKOOR covers Queen, Doe Maar, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, 10 CC, Cleerance Clearwater Revival, and many other artists.
1. “Als de morgen is gekomen”
2. “banger hart”
3. “Blauw”
4. “Brabant” door Guus Meeuwis
5. “Eigen huis”
6. “Geef mij nu je angst”
7. “Groot hart” door De Dijk
8. “Iedereen is van de wereld”
9. “Is dit alles” door Doe Maar
10. “Het is een nacht” Guus Meeuwis
11. “Ik Kan het niet alleen”
12. “Laat me” door Ramses Shaffy
13. “Niet of noot geweest”
14. “Sinds een dag” door Doe Maar
15. “Stil in mij”
16. “Suzanne” door Doe Maar
17. ” Het regent Zonnestralen”
18. “Zo stil” door Van Dik Hout
19. “Als ze er niet is”
20. “Aint no sunshine”
21. “Angie” Rolling Stones
22. “Bad moon rising”
23. “Best of you” Foo Fighters
24. “Blowen in The wind” Bob Dylan
25. “Blue on black”
26. “Blue suede Shoes & hound dog”
27. “Born to be wild” Steppenwolf
28. “Brown eyed girl”
29. “Budapest”
30. “californication”
31. “Come Together” door the Beatles
32. “Country roads”
33. “Dancing in the dark”
34. “Dont Look Back in Anger”
35. “Dreadlock holiday”
36. “every breath you take”
37. “Folsom Prison”
38. “Have you ever seen rain”
39. “Gravity”
40. “Highway to hell”
41. “Hotel California”
42. “House of the rising sun”
43. “I still haven’t found” door U2
44. “Im a believer”
45. “Jolene (top2000)”
46. “Layla”
47. “let it be”
48. “Lonely Boy”
49. “Losing my religiën”
50. “Money For Nothing”
51. “New Shoes”
52. “Paint it Black”
53. “Piano Man”
54. “Proud mary”
55. “Queen of california” John Mayer
56. “Riders on a storm”
57. “Ring Of Fire”
58. “Satisfaction” door Rolling Stones
59. “Seven nation army”
60. “Sittin on the dock”
61. “Stuck in the middle 2”
62. “Sultans of Swing”
63. “Summer of 69”
64. “Sweet Home Alabama”
65. “take it easy”
66. “Walk of life”
67. “wonderwall”
68. “Wake Me Up”